

  Lee Kuan Yew (1923– ) is a prominent Singaporean statesman. He was the first prime minister of the Republic of Singapore and governed the island nation for three decades (1959–1990). By the time he stepped down to enable a smooth leadership renewal, he had become the world’s longest-serving prime minister. He was Singapore’s senior minister (SM) from 1990 to 2004 and then minister mentor (MM) from 2004 to 2011. As the co-founder and first secretary-general of the People’s Action Party (PAP), he led the party to eight victories from 1959 to 1990, oversaw the separation of Singapore from Malaysia in 1965, and engineered its subsequent transformation from an underdeveloped colonial outpost with no natural resources into a First-World Asian Tiger. He remains one of the most influential political figures in Southeast Asia.

  The Papers of Lee Kuan Yew: Speeches, Interviews and Dialogues is a compilation of all the speeches, interviews and press conference presentations delivered by Lee Kuan Yew from 1950 through 1990. It covers four decades, including the period before Lee became the prime minister of Singapore and the period when he served as the prime minister. It consists of ten volumes covering the following years: 1950–1962 (Volume 1), 1963–July 1965 (Volume 2), August 1965–1966 (Volume 3), 1967–1968 (Volume 4), 1969–1971 (Volume 5), 1972–1974 (Volume 6), 1975–1977 (Volume 7), 1978–1980 (Volume8), 1981–1987 (Volume 9), and 1988–1990 (Volume 10).

  Key Features

  •The most comprehensive collection of various types of presentations of Lee Kuan Yew, the founding prime minister of Singapore.
  •A first-hand source for examining the thoughts of Lee over four decades (1950—1990) on a wide range of topics such as independence, decolonisation, Malaysian Malaysia, separation from Malaysia, British withdrawal, industrialisation, public housing, multiracial harmony, civil service and leadership succession.
  •Rare historical photos are dispersed throughout the volumes to give readers a sense of time and place.
  •Some terms and names are annotated to help readers unfamiliar with contexts unique to Singapore and Southeast Asia.

  Target Audience

  Scholars who are engaged in Asian and Southeast Asian studies; all public and university libraries.


  • ISBN:9789814352260
  • 規格:精裝 / 6104頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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情緒和行為異常是精神病發病的前兆。倘若家中有人患精神疾病或有精神病史,春季家屬要格外注意病人的情緒,要學會觀察精神病人復發的一些表現和特徵,「如徹夜不眠、毫無倦意,注意力不集中,思維內容散漫,言語雜亂,動作增多等。」 對於原來是熱情、樂觀、合群、善於交往的外向型性格的人,突然變得沉默寡言、孤獨,如果沒有特殊原因,就應引起重視。 此外,其他的動作和行為異常也要引起注意,如具有被害妄想的病人往往對妄想對象突然發生攻擊行為;情緒高漲的狂躁癥病人可有過分裝飾,或「慷慨相助」、或愛管閒事等表現; ... 而情緒低落的抑鬱癥病人則常呆坐、呆立或緘默不語;具有幻聽的病人常側耳傾聽,或作出相應的行為反應,如對著空氣叫罵等。疑似有以上精神異常跡象的人,應及時到院就診。 濟南遠大中醫腦康醫院專家提醒,春季氣候多變,也是精神類疾病高發期。人們應注意掌握一定精神衛生心理健康知識,學會調控自己的情緒,防患於未然。 ... 溫馨提示:濟南遠大中醫腦康醫院,是山東省一家集專業性、科研性於一體的精神疾病診療醫院。醫院在治療頑固性失眠、抑鬱、精神分裂、癔癥、疑病癥、神經衰弱、強迫癥、焦慮癥、恐懼癥等疾病,以及頑固性頭痛、癲癇、帕金森綜合徵、三叉神經痛、吞咽神經痛、面神經麻痹、腦血管後遺癥等腦部疾病方面積累了豐富的臨床經驗。 如果您或是身邊的朋友患有精神心理疾病,千萬不要耽誤診斷隨意服藥,應及時去正規醫院就醫,以免延誤病情,造成嚴重的後果。如有更多疑問可以撥打免費諮詢電話:400-1616-120或添加微信公眾號JNYDNKYY進行諮詢,濟南遠大腦康醫院專家團隊為您的健康保駕護航。 本文內容由壹點號作者發布,不代表齊魯壹點立場。










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